Proverbs 9:7-9

Proverbs-9.7-9 Weekly Meds

“He who corrects a scoffer gets shame for himself, and he who rebukes a wicked man only harms himself. Do not correct a scoffer, lest he hate you; rebuke a wise man, and he will love you. Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser, teach a just man, and he will increase in learning.” Proverbs 9:7-9  

Interestingly, these verses are couched right between lengthy descriptions of two women. The first six verses of Proverbs 9 portray wisdom as a woman who has a glorious house and is giving an extravagant banquet. Those who heed her invitation will enjoy a grand feast with choice foods and fine wine. Abundant life is what Lady Wisdom offers.  The final six verses of chapter 9 describe foolishness as a woman, an adulterous woman who neglects her house and instead sits outside her door seeking to lure foolish men into her home. She also has a meal, but it only of stolen water and secret bread. Those seduced by her to enter her dwelling find only death. 

Right smack in between Lady Wisdom and Lady Folly is this admonition to refrain from correcting a scoffer because you will only get shame, hatred, and harm for yourself. Instead, spend your energy on a wise person who heeds correction, and he will be edified. There is wisdom in evaluating the character of the person before deciding whether or not to intervene. However, having this admonition in between Lady Wisdom and Lady Folly indicates that these verses, rather than an instruction for someone who is trying to correct a scoffer, are actually a warning for us not to be the scoffer. 

So far in Proverbs we have frequently been admonished that a wise person heeds instruction and a fool is right in his own eyes. The word for scoffer here is the Hebrew word Lutz. The Lutz is so full of himself and contemptuous of others, especially those who would try to correct him, that he cannot receive instruction. Proverbs 26:12 says, “Do you see a man wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him.” The scoffer, or lutz, is worse than a fool. 

So, in Proverbs 9 we have two choices: wisdom or folly. We can be wise and recognize our need for wisdom, be correctable, be eager to receive instruction, and accept the invitation to enjoy the abundant life at Lady Wisdom’s great feast. Or we can be a lutz and think we know it all, being right in our own eyes, refusing to be corrected, unable to receive instruction, and scoffing at the people who show us our faults. This is the path to Lady Folly’s house of death. It’s the place where all lutzes end up. So, the lesson for today is, don’t be a lutz. 😊  

His mercy endures forever! 

Pastor Flynn