“When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O LORD!” Luke 5:8
The seventh way we manifest true humility before God is to lay aside all our dignity before the LORD, says Boston. Peter and his crew had been fishing all night and caught nothing. It was hard work. Peter says they “toiled” all night and now he was tired. Jesus asks him to go back out and try again. Peter reluctantly obeys Jesus’ command, and they catch so many fish the nets were breaking. Peter’s response is the attitude of humility that Boston is preaching.
His lack of faith, his tiredness, and his expertise as a fisherman made Peter reluctant to heed Jesus’ words. After all, Peter was a professional fisherman and Jesus, at this point in Luke, was still a bit of a mystery to the disciples. After the miracle, all that Peter was feeling came bursting to his attention and he realized his humanity, his sinfulness, his shame, and Jesus’ power, holiness, and love. The result was for this proud man to fall down at His knees.
Another example would be David dancing before the ark of the covenant as it was being brought into Jerusalem for the first time in 2 Samuel 6. David, now the king of Israel, had earlier tried to bring the ark in but with pomp and circumstance that would have puffed up David’s pride and focused the honor on himself. However, in the middle of the great procession with music and dancing the Lord kills one of the men carrying the Ark. Talk about pouring cold water on your parade!
David eventually realizes that they had been transporting the Ark in disobedience to the Law. He realizes that, even though he is king, he is but a servant of Almighty God. They again bring the Ark into Jerusalem but this time according to the Word of God. Instead of just the women dancing, which was the norm, David himself dances before the Ark with all his might. The lack of dignity in this act was noticed by his bitter wife Michal who chastises him for not acting like a king should. David replies by praising the sovereignty of God, declaring that he will absolutely play music before God Almighty and then says,” And I will be even more undignified than this, and will be humble in my own sight.” 2 Samuel 6:22
David embraces humility, despising his pride and the result was dancing. Peter’s pride was humbled by Jesus’ miracle and the result was falling down in worship. But both needed the trial, the suffering, to humble their pride. This is the picture in Revelation. Everybody, is worshipping God, falling down before Him and dancing. I assume there is dancing since it is a wedding celebration in Revelation 19. Whether there is dancing or not, no one is concerned about themselves and their reputations. Everybody is laying aside their dignity before the mighty God of all creation and focused on bringing Him glory. This should be our primary goal here and now as well!
His mercy endures forever!
Pastor Flynn
Photo by Robert Collins